Ted Talk: Every Kid Needs a Champion

Janelle Bynum talked about passing opportunity on- from one generation to the next, and within a community- and she sees educational equality and educational opportunity as the key to passing opportunity on to the next generation. She is passionate about education and about pushing for policies that will help minority kids with the understanding that what lifts minority kids will lift everyone...

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On My Mind...

It's Friday, and the sun is shining, my peonies are blooming, and I'm listening to Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band as I type this. Can you believe that it was 50 years ago, er, yesterday Sgt Pepper taught the band to play?

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Some thoughts on graduation...

It’s June! Just yesterday, I had the feeling summer is starting. It feels warm even when it’s in the 60s, and my allergies are . It’s also getting close to the end of the school year where I live, and it’s graduation season. I realized that every school graduation I’ve had has been during the first week in June, which explains why finishing up school in May always sounds too early, and going past the first week in June sounds like summer is being squandered in a classroom. Now that I’m not a student any longer, I think of graduation as being a time of excitement, happiness, pride, and optimism for the next chapter in life. Looking back, though, my own feelings when I graduated were a lot more complicated. Here’s what I remember about graduating from elementary school, high school, college, and grad school.

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