On My Mind...

It’s the start of a new year. I had planned to post about things I’m looking forward to in 2018. But the year’s gotten off to kind of a rough start. We had a death in my family earlier this week, and it feels like lots of little things have been going wrong on top of that.  (For example, I wrote this whole post out yesterday then my web browser crashed before I saved it. Then I knocked a glass off my sink and it shattered in my bathtub. Neither is a big deal, but, just, ugh.)

Nevertheless, even in the midst of bad news both personal and in the news, there are always things going on that bring some cheer or encouragement…

1) One of my favorite things to read every January is the New York Times list of “52 Places to Visit in 2018.” I love learning about new places, and get a little thrill when I see a place I’m planning to go. (I have a trip to New Orleans planned for later this year!) This year, the Times is sending one lucky writer to ALL 52 places! Writer Jada Yuan submitted the winning application to travel the world this year, and will write stories about each of the places on this year’s list. I can’t wait to follow along on her adventures!

2) Friend of GLYandM, face of The Brain Scoop, and all-around shining star Emily Graslie just launched a new podcast, ExploreAStory, which features stories of “people who work behind-the-scenes at natural history museums and the scientists who are making new and exciting discoveries about our world every day.”

3) If you’re looking for a new job in the new year, check out these five questions to ask in an interview. It’s so easy in a job search to focus entirely on getting hired, it’s easy to forget that you should be looking for a job that’s a good fit for you and your goals.

4) On the subject of careers, I’m always fascinated by the relationship between careers and the rest of someone’s life. This essay about how a management consulting career has let the author pursue her other career as a writer for decades. I love how this shows that there’s no one way to pursue something you care about.

5) If you’re hunkering down this weekend- it’s still super cold here- you can check out The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, which won the Golden Globe for Best Comedy Series, for FREE on Amazon this weekend. Rachel Brosnahan plays a young woman who launches a stand-up comedy career in the late 1950s by being blunt, incisive, and, most of all, herself.

6) Even if you didn’t catch Oprah’s speech at the Golden Globes on Sunday, you’ve probably seen snippets of it or seen quotes from the speech all over Instagram this week. The whole speech is really moving, and worth watching. (I don’t know how the audience wasn’t in tears listening to it.)

On My Mind...

It's been a big week for women in the news, from Shalene Flanagan winning the New York City Marathon on Sunday to some historic election victories on Tuesday. I've been working on some new interviews for the site, and I'm so excited about the women who are going to be a part of Girls Like You and Me in the coming months. I also went to a get-together for alums of my high school, which I always look forward to. I got to catch up with some old friends, and make plans to get together again soon... And, as always, I came across quite a few things I wanted to share with you this week!

Shalene Flanagan after she won the New York Marathon last Sunday!

Shalene Flanagan after she won the New York Marathon last Sunday!

1) Last Sunday, Shalene Flanagan became the first American woman to win the New York Marathon in 40 years! Not only is she an incredible athlete (seriously- have you ever seen elite marathon runners? They're amazing!), she's been a big part of building a supportive community of elite American women runners, and they've all been running faster as a result.

2) My friendships with other women are some of the most important relationships in my life, and Roxane Gay's 13 rules for female friendships are funny, pointed, and mostly just true.

3) Speaking of women I wish I were my real-life friends, Aidy Bryant is one of my favorites on Saturday Night Live- the music videos she pops up in are my favorite scenes in recent years. I loved this profile of her- she's just as sweet, sharp, and funny as you'd expect. 

4) Hidden Figures showed us how women were a vital part of NASA; now Code Girls is revealing how American women worked as code breakers during World War II

5) Today, November 11, is Veterans Day. Did you know that more than 2 million American women are veterans? Women comprise almost 10% of veterans, and that percentage is expected to double by 2040. Female vets are fighting for the recognition, respect, and services they deserve.  

6) A whole slew of women won election to state and local offices this past Tuesday. My favorite story: A county officeholder in New Jersey posted a sexist meme in response to the Women's March in January. That sexist act inspired Ashley Bennett to run against him- and she won!

7) Women's election victories are even more exciting because it turns out that women are pretty darn effective legislators, and just plain get more done than their male peers.

8) And last, one of my favorite sources of political and social commentary, Teen Vogue, has a special guest editor for their newest issue: Hillary Rodham Clinton. I really enjoyed her letter to her 18-year-old self, especially her advice to "take risks, and don’t be afraid to get caught trying."

On My Mind...

Gee whiz, the summer has flown by! For just about every student and teacher, school has started back up. I know Hurricane Harvey has disrupted the start of the school for many in Texas, to say the least of its destruction. And Irma seems to be gearing up to do the same in Florida. Add to that that announcement that the DACA program will be ending, negatively impacting 800,000 people who have lived in the United States for most of their lives, young people who often have known no other home than the U.S. It's been a difficult week, and its negative effects will be felt for a long, long time.
But, in addition to obsessively following the news (does that count as a hobby?), I've read a bunch of great stuff lately. I've been getting some new interviews ready, but in the meantime, check out these awesome women.

Oprah in character in the upcoming Wrinkle in Time movie. This is basically how I picture her anyway: wise, powerful, and stunning. 

Oprah in character in the upcoming Wrinkle in Time movie. This is basically how I picture her anyway: wise, powerful, and stunning. 

1) I spent at least an hour yesterday on Time Magazine's Firsts page, watching videos and reading about women who have broken the glass ceiling in some way. As the introduction says:

What a jagged image we use for women who achieve greatly, defining accomplishment in terms of the barrier rather than the triumph. There she is up where the air is thin, where men still outnumber women, but where the altitude is awesome. Our goal with Firsts is for every woman and girl to find someone whose presence in the highest reaches of success says to her that it is safe to climb, come on up, the view is spectacular.

2) Oprah is (of course) one of the women featured by Time. I also loved her profile in the September issue of Vogue.

3) Oprah's A Wrinkle in Time costar Reese Witherspoon wrote this essay in Glamour about ambition and her own experience with putting her money where her mouth is- taking her frustration with the lack of film roles for women and producing Gone GirlWild, and Big Little Lies. Her advice: "Run away from a man who can't handle your ambition."

4) When I think of women who embody the idea of finding a way to do work as an adult that taps into what you loved growing up, Christina Tosi of Milk Bar always comes to mind. If you have a sweet tooth and you've ever eaten a compost cookie, or cereal milk soft serve, or crack pie, or any of the other VERY sugary treats at Milk Bar (my favorite is the cornflake-marshmallow cookie), you know why Tosi's treats have found such a devoted following. You might not know the story of how she built her business, though, which is just as compelling.